The Iwo Jima Memorial, also known as the US Marine Corps War Memorial, is located near Arlington Cemetery and the Netherlands Carillion (a structure/gift from the people of the Netherlands in thanks for US assistance during and after WWII) in Arlington Virginia. The bronze memorial is dedicated to all the Marines that have died in battle since 1775. It stands 32 feet tall, with a flag pole that is 60 ft tall. The statue, created by Felix de Weldon, is based on the famous photo of six men raising the flagpole during the battle of Iwo Jima in the Pacific Theater of World War II. A US flag flies from the flagpole continually, as required by John F. Kennedy. The memorial rests on a granite base with two inscriptions along with the date and location of every major US Marine Corp military engagement up to present. There are no restrooms near the memorial.
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